Sunday, June 5, 2011


This is a reveiw of the alphbet. Right-off-the-bat I want to reveiw the word ‘alphbet’ itself because i do’nt think ‘alphpbet’ is the best word to describ what it is becuase it does’nt tell you what it is proply. When you see the worde ‘run’ than you kno what it means. When you see ‘worm’ than you know it is a wrom. As such, i proposs that there shuld be a new word for alphabet and that it MUST contane every letter in the alphebt so that people know.
There are 26 lettres in the alphbet and they ar:

Abcde fgh ijklmnopqrstu.vwxyz

I do’nt think I shuld hav to poynt this out BUT some people can get confuzed and that is that ther ar NO numbers in there! if you ever see an alphbet with numbers in it than you are probabley looking at a fancy scyence word or a strete adres. 

The alphbet is grate becuase you can litrally make any word up from it. Go on and try it! You can even use the lettres more than ones for really big words. if you are a RISKTAKER than you can maek up your own words and try and crete your own langwij. Here are some I did erlyer:

Flazzle – this is adjectiv to describe what something tastes like.
Sombrot – a thing what you where on your feet.

If your going to go ahed and make your own langwij than youl be needing more than just twoo words however. If your langwij gets big and alot people start talking it than you could get very famous just liek the first people who invented there own respectiv langwijs. The alphbet is pretty grate as it is right now. it does’nt need any new ltters or to take any away but I did think it could be stremelind more so that speling can be done quickly and riting to. 
Some conjugated lettres i thot up:

1.    chee-e                                                                                                        3. fa! 

   2. sssist-t  

im not even going to aks for eny royeltees becuase thats just how improtnt I think these letters are! The world needs them! You can goahed and start using these new conjugatd letters right-away! impress yor frends, astond yor enemys!

There ar alot diffrent langwijs in the woreld and all of them are very good BUT English is the best just ask the trillions of people who spek it. everyone says engislh is the hardest langwij to lern but they have just not tride hard enuff. the alphbet as we know it used by alot of the langwijs avaleable but some use madeup letters and even numbers.

  This is som Mandarin i think. i ca’nt renember where I got it from. DONOT confuze it with the frute.


When the Russins were’nt busy playing cold war with the other chillens they were busy performng horibl expermints on the alphbet!                               =>

<=  This is the Baybayin alphbet! But when you say these caracters out lowd then it turns into the owdible langwij of Tagalog! 

<=  This is some mores code! It is used by the army to send secret messages to ech other!

i don’t know wat these words mean becuase i just toke them from the internet so if they are offensiv than i am sorry.

so where dos the alhpbet come from? Well! i'll tell you. When you are born from day one your parents start giving you the alphbet bit by bit. Just a little bit at a time otherwise you get to much as a bayby and then you get overloded. eventually your parents stop teching you the alphbet and you start getting it from skool, the teachers there and then your friends. you'l even start getting new words from the TV and books and mysic. you can never have them all though becuase they are infinite just like numbers! HOWEVER if we kepe going backwards we will evenshully come to a poynt where the alphbet gets born. Your parents gave you the alphbet, their parents gave it to them, and so on. but it had to start somewhere. And it did. But i ca’nt tell you were that is becuase no-one knows! To this very day the etternil kweshun remanes: wher did the alphabet come from? frankley, i beleive we’l never know where it came from.

It is probly safer that we do’nt know becuase if we did we wuld probly just abuuse it or something or try and geneticly modify to make it better..

A clevr analogey is that the alphbet is likebilding blocks. now if you have bilding blocks you can just go about bilding one thing and then you brek it and you bild another. we bild the words up and using the lettres but we can make millons of difrent combinashuns of words from them! Aslong as you are’nt in a speling competishun than whateve you spel does’nt matter so you can go wild and have fun!
That’s all i can relly tell you about the alphbet for now! in terms of everything there is I’d have to give the alphbet a 26 out of 26. Thats an alphbet joke by-the-way! No, it wuld be a 10 out of 10 in all seriesnes.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


this is anohter dangeros reveiw to be publishng (thou not as dangeros as fier was) BUT i have decidid to publish regardlis of this. PEOPLE NED TO KNO. this reveiw will dubbel as also a savety precoshin so you can lern how to use sissors and not get hurt or even worse: maymed or even worse: kild.

Firstoff: sissors are very sharp! they were invented to cut things so they have to be sharp. when handling sissors you must becareful and work slowlee and meticulislee so that you dont get cut or cut someone els. aLways hold the sissors tight with a firm grip and always cut strate lines only becuase curvey lines are an addvansed techneek and if you do’nt know what your doing then you ar going to get cut. so just play it cool, chum. if ever want to pass the sissors to a frend then heres what you do:

1.)    stop using the sissors.
2.)    take a deep breth.
3.)    grip the sissors by blades (must be closd otherwise you get cut!!!)
4.)    offr the sissors to you frend
5.)    they take the sissors by the handles
6.)    you let go and take 2 paces backwords. 
7.)    ONLY THEN can your freind use the sissors so you do’nt get cut

Now you may be wundering wy you do this in such a fashin. wy should you have to hold the blade when passing the sissors? wy shud I have to run the risk of getting cut? you may ask. Well! firstl, if you past the sissors the opposite way you could hurt your friend which is BAD. basically becuase you hold the blade you are in control. you the boss of the sissors. secondlee, if on accident something bad hapens then you will get cut and not your freind. this is calld self-sacrifis and it is nobl. Your freind will be glad that they did not have to get cut and may even go into a life debt with you or something simalar.

A nother importnt thing to renember with sissors is that you MUST NEVER run with them! i canot emfasize this enuff. if you run with sissors then you take your life in your own hands and seing as you alredy holding some sissors in there its not the savest place for your life now isit? the main resin you do’nt run with sissors is because you can get cut if you run into a wall or if you fall donw. You could even run into someon els and they could get cut. also, if you run with sissors you will be tired when you rech your destinashun. like if you are running to your office to cut up an importint tax return form than when you get there you maybe to tierd to use the sissors. If you are ever to tierd to use sissors than you must just WALK AWAY. you wud’nt try to driv a car when you tierd, wuld you? Well! this is the same. someone could get cut!

Sissors MUST be kept out of children! if children can get to sissors than they can play with them and sissors is not a toy! in the wrong hands sissors can be a wepin just ask a terrerist. ecsept you ca’nt because they go to jale for that sort of behaveyer. Sissor safety should be taught to children just after they have lernt to walk and grab things of the taybl BUT befor sex educashun. a child can use a sissor if there is a adult nerby and the adult can say helpful things like ‘cut neatlee’ and ‘no no no, do’nt cut Jeremy the cat he is your frend’. if child does get sissors by itself than you must act clam. if you are not clam than the child could freakout and get cut or cut a pet or something. What you need to do is try negoshyate with the child and say ‘lets try sort this out im shore nobode has to get hurt here, son’ and than you get the sissors and its alright. if negoshyating is not working than you can try to bribe the child with a swete and becuase they are young they will fall fore that sort of rubbish. thats why they get stole so easy cos they gullybell. im on a tangerint now so ill stop.

The story behind the berth of scissors is a good one too. The first kweshun one needs to aks is ‘which came first? Sissors or knife?’ becuase it is an important thing to know. Do you know? Most people will say ‘knif’ but that is rwong. It was infact the sissor. sissors were around for loads of years until someone dropped one on accsdent and it broke and became two knifes! they are both good tools to have around the house ech with there own pros and cons. there really is no seprating them in terms of which is better.  BUT it is sissor. sissors was invented at the same time around the world by verios diffrent people. These people were all sick and tierd having to cut things with sharp rocks and their teeth and were in ned of somethng new. And then bang! Sissors. some of the orrigenel sissors that were made wer so bad that if not used proply could kill! Some sissors were creted with too many blades on them and would instead go onto become other inventions like sawblades or papper shredders. The sissors that you and i use these days have been tried-and-tested by milllions of people to make sure thay are save.  theres a lot of sceince  behind the modernday sissor so if anything gose wrong, chances ar, its your fault.

eventhough sissors was invented by so many people at the same tiem no-one fort over who got the credit and this was good. everyone just agreed that having sissors around had made the world a much better place and there was no need to attribut the invention to any signle person.

the basic formular for sissors is this:2 plastic sircls with holes in them and 2 longish rectangles which are ech sharp at one end. that is sissors. the sircles go on the ends of the rectangels and then the rectangels are connectid with I think a pin. but it can move. and then you put your thum and finger closest to thum in the sircles and you open and close in the direcshun of the thing you want to cut. WITH COSHIN!. ones you have lerned how to sissors than you are good becuase you never forget its liek rideing a bisircle. 

here are some pictures to practis your sissors on. get adult suppervisin incase you are a child otherwise off-you-go! take it slo and you’l get the job done! 

BECAREFUL NOW! Nice and slo!

I think thats all i can say about sissors for now. to sum it all up i think i would give sissors about a 8.2 out of 10 in terms of everything there is. I hop this reveiw has clered up any kweshuns you may have hadded about sissors and that you can now use them savely. TAKE CAER!