Thursday, February 2, 2012



firstly, omelates are food. they are made up of eggs and milk and water and fire. fire is a cattleist for makeing omelates, you culd say. When putting togethr a omleate you put other things in them to make them tast better. this is grate becuase you can make a savery omelate by putting bacon in or a steak OR you can make it a desert omelate by adding shugar or a chocolit. in-this-way, omelates are liek a blank slayte and have the potenshul to becom any numbr of delishus and tastey food items! Also, they are like stem sells which are sells that can becom any number of other types of sells like a liver or an hart. the difference between stem sells and omelates is that you donot need a microscop to see an omelate. Also, it does not cost you millins of dollers to cryogenikilley frize omelates becuase you can just them in a normal frij-freizer.

Omelates are prettystraight forword food. They are qwik and easy to maek which is grate for when you are on the run OR in big businiss. The world record for quickest omelate ever made was abowt 5 minutes, so work on +- ten minuts if yuo are new to th e kitchin.
almost semi-circel tiem!

Here is a guyd for makeing omelates:
      Ingredens:          2x eggs!
                                1x water
                                1x milk
                              +- salt & peppr
                                1x ingreden X

Now, don’t get frightinnd of ingredn X. Just don’t. Omelates are like maths becows it is almost liek an ekwayshin. You will go abowt making your omelate an d evenshlaly you decide what ingredn X is. The process of makeing an omelate is one of self-discoviry. You will find yourslf asking intense kweshuns. Do I want a savory omelate? Do I want a swete olmelate? That sort of thing. Ones you are finnished with your journey you will know what your ingredn X is. And then you must put it in.

So you break the eggs up into a contaner. Make sure you haven’t got eny shells in their becuws they tast ugly. Put the milk in with the eggs and mix it up. Add 1x dash of water. Keep stirring. hard. Evenshally what you have will be frothy and that is what you want. When you’ve got some froth, you add a pinsh of salt and a pinsh of peppr. This is opshinnil. Throughowt this process you;ll have bin talkin to yourself and by now you shud know what your ingreden X is. If you don’t no, then just put yuor mixture into the frij and go and sit and have a long hard think. when you come bak put ingredn X in!

You take your mixture now and put it in a pan on a stov. turn the stov onto ‘very hot’. Your mixture will start to get hot inturn. Get a spatchla and start flattining the mixture out so tha tit fills the pan well. you should have a circel shape going on. if you arent looking at a circel then, my frend, you arent looking at a omelate. Ones the mixture is starting to get a bit harder you slide the spatchla a bit under the ej and start to lift it a littel. Slowly tho becows the omelate is a tender and fickle food item and we dont want it to brek. If your omelate is solid enuf then you can fold the circel over at the middel to form what we in the busness call a ‘semi-circel’. Ones you’ve got the semi-circel under control, flip it arownd a bit just make sure it’s coked on both sides. That’s important. Otherwise it will tast bad. if you’ve flowed these instructins proplly then you shuld have a decent omelate in front of yuo.

Omelates were first invented after they appeered to a young chef in one of his many food-theemd drem. Their was some rubbish about him being chased down a corridoor to, but that’s not importint. he woke up the next morning and rote down what would turn owt to be the resippy for omelates. Or at least that’s what ive been told. there can be no other logicall explaination. 

that's pretty much all their is to  no abowt omelates for now. if anything new happens in the feild i'll be sure to let you no of such interesting developmens. for review purposes im going to have to giev omelates about a 7 out of ten. they are good, but not grate. pizzas are better.