Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I bet you thot I was dead. Sory I’ve been gon so long.i was travling an lerning about the world. But im back now.

Todays reveiw is about boks. Sit tight.

Books huh? You just never know wat culd be inside there. Maybe it a love story. Maybe its war. Maybe its science dont know. Maybe its a story about a ghost. Maybe its a book about the history of books. Fancy that! Mybe its just a book filed with pictures. Those are good too

They say you can tell alot abot a book by its cover. Which makes sense. That is wat the cover isfor. Your not trying to trick the reader into thinking youve got a book on hamsters and then theres a ghost in there. No one wants that. You can also tell alot about a book by the numbr of pages its got. If there are a lot of pages you know its a long book. If there arent many pages you might be done befor tea.
So where did books come from you ask? Well books were invented not discovered. People got tired of having all these bloody great pilles papr lying abot so they put it all together into what became the books we know today. Before we can get down to the nitygrity of where books came from we have to talk about paper.

looks a bit rubbish but it worked
It all sort of started wiith the Egyptians and their papyris. which was basically these papyrus plants all knoted together. These chaps came pretty close to inventing the paper that you and I know today. Maybe if they invested a bit more money in the research and development they would’ve done better.

At first the Egyptians used thiss paypris to make things like shopping lists and paper aireplanes but eventually someone was forced to write down the histry of Egyptian royalty. This was quite a long story it had to be said, lots of people dying, some plagues and even a mummy or two. The E
gyptians used pictures called hihoglfix to tell their stories. And, of course, when books are written all in pictures they’re incredibly esy to read. So once papyrus was on the scene we were pretty close to having the books we know today

After paypris we moved onto parchmet which is basically the father of today’s paper. Entire books existed now, all written out by hand. These early books were even some of the first to be primitivly bound. Books were still very rare at this point as to were the people who culd read them.not much reding or riting going on in these dark times. After books wer invented, librarees also started to sprot up in the wild. They didn’t have too many books but hey what can you do it’s early days. Because the rule wasnt inventd back then you could be as lowd as you wantd in these librarees. Ah the good old days!
an really old book - look at the size of it!!

It was a big ballache to make proper books in the past. And the proces often tooke days ifnot weekes. Many people were involvd thruout the entire ordeel. For this raisin, when the books were finishd they were very expensive. First someone wuld have to get the idea for the bok. Then they would rite it all down. This alone took a long time. After this the parchment wuld be sent to the editor to chek for mistakes. If the editor gives the go ahead the booke can then go onto the publicist. Back then books were ritten in handwriting becase tpying and the keybord hadnt been inveted yet. Once moving type and the printing press was invented, handriting went out the window.

Nowadays manual books are made by robots. They do all the printing and bookbinding. Ther are conveyr belts. You also get Electeronic Books whcih aren’t printd and can insted be red on  a varyty of devices. Look at this forinstance, its not a book but your reading it withot paper. You even get audiobooks which is basically a book but read out like a bedtime story. Technology huh? Where will it get us next hopefully mars

Ow. books hav feelings to
In some cuntries certain bookes arent allways allowd. Perhaps the book is to rawnchy or provocative. Perhaps the book doesnt fit nicely with some of the books youve alredy got. Perhaps the book might raise interesting qwestions. Whatever the problem maybe, books are sometimes banned from being used in certin places. If banning them isn’t good enough thn you can even have a bookburning. Poor books! What did they ever do to you?  

If you are after a book they can uselly be found in libraries which are their natural habitat. Haggling with the librarian will alow you to take them home with you ocassionaly. But treat them with repsect! with so many books to read you might feel a bit dawntd but you shuldnt be afrade of them. there are about 130 000 000 different books that hav been prublished, soo get cracking

thats pretty much all ive got to say about books for now. if theres any changes i'll update this reveiw accordianly. in terms of everything there is i'm going to have to give books an 8/10. just think where wed be withot books - exacly

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