Sunday, May 29, 2011


This is a big one! hopefuly this reveiw helps you to understnd the true nature of fier and why i beleive deserves a 10/10 in terms of eveything there is. wHere to start though? seeing as fire is a very large topic to talk about im going to start by discusing its’ history.

It was originaly beleived that fire was a gift from the gods but this is absolute rubish of course. it is a well known fact that fire was both discovered as well as inventd at the same tiem. It’s just one of thos things. it was discovered by a cavemen billions of years ago in the B.C. it was found during the rain too, which was grate because everyone could get warm afterwrds. after a succesfull hunting expedshun to catch a dinosaur      or whatever, the cavemen returnd to there cave to discovr  that there was a fire there already. One of them had left a toster on on accident and it had caught fire whislt they were out. At first the cavemen reacted with fear because it was somethng theyd never seen before. eventually however they ended up cookign the dinosaur meet on it and then ate it (the dinosaur meet not the fire). after doing that they started using the fire for other stuff like they playd games with it and gave it to their frends in nearby caves.  cavemen also thought fire was so important that they even drew it into their cave paintings.

Fast forward like a billion and some years to about teh 1600s. fire was used to burn down the London bridge to make way for a better one and also to destroy the Bubonic playg. fire went underground for a while after this, only to reappear later on the 1900s when it was pared up with metal and railways to invent the train. it was a steam train and it could travel at quite a good spped. It wasnt much later that fire would become a household name. just go look in your kicthen right now. Think of all the fire in there and how it helps you do everything in there. There’s fire in the oven. In the microwav. Thers fire in the light in the kithcen. There’s even fire in the frijge. It doesn’t make sense right now but yes the heat of fire is used to maek the cold in your frijge. Just be thankful that somebody tamed fire bcause it can be very dangerous.  

Fire shuold come with soem kind of warning lable on it. It would say ‘becareful because this is hot and burns’ except it cant because the fire would burn it up. Fire is like that. people need to know though and hopefuly this reveiw can help. Especially infants and babies becuase they get burnd often. fire is a notoreous killer. It is relentles and is probably responsibel for the deaths of at least a hundred thowsand people each year. thats right. Some people survive fire sure but they are then burn victims and you get diffrent degrees of burn victims depending on the severeity of the brun. But basicaly you spend a few months looking like a mummy and thats NO FUN. So be careful around fire.

Fire has soooo many uses as i sed earlier. im not going to list all of them becuase there are alot. Basically if something is flammable you can use fire on it, so that counts as a use.
I will go over the most important ones though:
1.) burning stuff.
2.) cooking food.
3.) heat
4.) light
5.) heat and light at the same time.

i have also been told that fire can be used a weapon like in a gun or something but that sounds liek a horribl thing to do to someone. Unless they deserve it. fire can be used to scare people who don’t understand what it is becuase they dont know what it is and its scary. They will probbly think it is magic or advanced sceince and then you can bend them to your will. fire can be used to send messages to other people in the form of signils though it is dangeros to send messages like this and letters are much saver. Fire also creats smoke as a byproduct and smoke is also quite good though not as good as fire is.

Fire is very popular in modern culture. There are lots of books about fire. and music and songs about fire. even bands named after fire. ALot of movies are also about fire. at this point it is also poynunt to note that all of the abovementioned things can be destroyed by using fier and this is like irony or hyperbolee or something.  Fier also has great esthetic  value. It can be seen in tatoos. It can be seen on cars as a sticker or sometimes coming out of the exhaust even. Fire can also be kept in the house but only in a fireplace, otherwise it can get out of control. Which is BAD. DO NOT let fire get out of control. You shouldn’t use fire on people atall. However this rule can be ignorde if the person is already dead then you can burn them to make ash. This is what cremashun is. Then you can use the ash for something else but mostly people keep it in vazes on the counter and say “that’s uncle Terry over there on the counter”. OR they throw it in the see.


If you want your own fire around the hous then there are a few ways you can get a fire going. These are:
          1. Matches
          2. lighters
          3. get it from a neighber
          4. Also the SUN   

      apparently you can also get fire from sticks and rocks but i dont know how to do this. I mighthve seen it in a movie once but I thought it was a special effec and not a tried-and-tested method or real. becareful when you have the fire though so you don’t get hurt. It would be in your best intrest to wear gloves or have water nearby just incase. Definitely keep out-of-reach of children.  Sand is also good. It can put thefire out if you throw it on it and the children can also play in it (the sand). Things which are flammable burn and things which are inflammable burn to. It means the same thing so dont get confused. It is not widely known that everything burns. It may not look liek it but yes it will burn. It just takes longer.  If by chance you do catch fire you should immediately as fast as possible do the following: stop drop and roll. Fire is sometimes soo dangerous that some people think you should play with guns before you play with fire. YOU be the jugde!

Well! Thats really all there is to know about fire. I hope this reveiw has helpt open your mind to the truly awe-inspring power that fire possesses. It’s tough to give fier anything below a ten out of 10 because of just how great it is. So 10.

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