Sunday, May 29, 2011


ths is a reveiw about hamsters. Hamsters are small mammels which are often kept as pets by people. they are furry and live in cages. Hamsters are not as big as cats but are definitely smaller than dogs. They tend to b overlooked simply because they ar not really great pets and also becuase they are small and you don't alwyas see them. it Is my intention to use this reveiw to highlite some of the importnt points about hamsters as well as to discus some of there history as well also.

Contrary to popular beleif hamsters were not invented by people but were insted evolved from dinosaurs billions of years ago. small dinosuars, sure, but dinosaurs none-the-less. hAmsters used to be quite vicsious-looking creatures and had things like claws and tusks and could secrete poison. sOme scientists also believe that certian speceis of hamsters could even fly. Over time and through the magic of evolutoin hamsters became less violint and more freindly. This was a wise choice on teh hampsters part because people like them more as they are now. Hamsters are herbivoreous by nature and eat things that are plants and/or green. Some hamsters have been known to be cannibals because they sometims eat other hampsters. Hamsters do not eat people. Any more.
it was somewhere around the 1200 A.Ds that hamsters were first discovred. it was under a rock or in a cave or something. it was only later howevr in like the 1900s that hamstes were tamed for the first time. tHe first tamed hamster was showcsed in a traveling circus and gathered alot of attention. This would eventually lead to the popularity of hamspters increasng worldwide as well as to their resultign status ofbeing grate pets.

In modern society hamsters, are kept as pets by about 95% of people. the other 5% have dogs or Cats. hamsters live inside small houses. these houses are inside cages because the hamster is notouries for being very savety conscius. hamsters spend most of their days doing hamster things. this includes:
a.) running on hamster wheels.
b.) sleeping.
c.) eating other hamsters.
d.) biting small children that liek to squueze them.
e.) sleeping more.

hamsters can be taught a variety of tricks. however, the lerning process is a tough one because hampsters do not speak english at all. however through a combinatoin of hand signals and electric stimultion the desired outcome can b acheived. as i mentioned earlier hamsters are herbiverous. when kept as pets thay will eat nuts, smaller nuts, and sawdust. this is useful because hamsters also live in sawdust. being very small means that hampsters are also veyr portable. what this means is that you can take your hamstr to school or even to your freinds house. they can slip easily into socks, backpacks, pockets, and also can be placed under most hats. Hamsters can even be put in the mouth.  ihave treid it and would not recmmend it because i almost swallowed it and that would be bad. and they are furry and it is not a grate texture at all.

hamsters are a great 'starter' pet for young children because they are smaller than dogs etc. this means that if parents want to test out there childrens pet-keeping abilities then hampsters are the way to go. if the child is able to take care of the hamster than they can maybe get a bigger pet in the future like two hamsters, a dog, or even a snak.e however, if the hamster dies (not to be confused wiht sleeping) than the parents might have to reconsider geting a nother pet or getting no pet atall.

hamsters are able to live for long periods of time, ranging betwen 1 day to 4 years. yes, it may sound like a gamble, but if you can mantain a hamster well then it will be just the best pet ever. 4 year old hamstes are considerd very old by hampster standards because they are like 73 in human years or soemthing and should be treated with respect and not thrown around or whatevr. hamsters can be turned into more hamsters by breeding them. you will need a boy hamster and a girl hamster to do this and a house for them to go in. baby hamsters are very cute but sometimes the girl hamster will eat them. i don't know why. DONOT try to breed hamsters with other animals becuase it is a bad idea and the world just isnt ready for those sort of thngs.

in conclusion, let's look at some of the pros and cons of hamsters:

Pros:                                                                Cons:
- small                                                             - small
- portable                                                        - can be swallowd on accident
- entertainging                                                  - cnanot understand english
- have a grate history
-can be turned into more hamsters

well! i hope this reveiw of hamsters has helped to change some of your opinoins about hamsters and, in the future, you may consider getting a hamster as a pet. i would rate hmasters as being about 7.8 out of 10 in terms of eveyrthing there is.

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